Thursday, February 09, 2006

Look at earth from outer space. Everyone must find a place. Give me time and give me space , give me real, don't give me fake!!! Give me strength, reserve control. Give me heart and give me soul. Give me time - give us a kiss!!! Tell me your own politik....And open up your eyes... Give me one, 'cause one is best! In confusion, confidence. Give me peace of mind and trust. Don't forget the rest of us. Wounds that heal and cracks that fix. Tell me your own politik...Just open up your eyes.... But give me love over this......

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are...
I had to find you. Tell you I need you!Tell you I set you apart...Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions. Oh let's go back to the start!
Running in circles, coming up tails heads on a silence apart. Nobody said it was easy. It's such a shame for us to part...Nobody said it was easy...No one ever said it would be this hard...Oh take me back to the start!!! I was just guessing at numbers and figures, pulling your puzzles apart.
Questions of science - science and progress do not speak as loud as my heart .Tell me you love me!!!!Come back and haunt me!!Oh and I rush to the start!!!!
Running in circles,chasing our tails coming back as we are...Nobody said it was easy. I'm going back to the start....

The lights go out and I can't be saved.Tides that I tried to swim against have brought me down upon my knees... Oh I beg and plead. Come out of things unsaid. Shoot an apple off my head... and a trouble that can't be named ...a tiger's waiting to be tamed! You are! Confusion never stops. Closing walls and ticking clocks gonna come back and take you home.I could not stop that you now know.Come out upon my seas, cursed missed opportunities.Am I a part of the cure.Or am I part of the disease.You are! And nothing else compares!
Home, where I wanted to go.Daylight to my surprise and my delight I saw a sunrise I saw a sunlight.I am nothing in the dark and the clouds burst to show the daylight . And the sun will shine on this heart of mine! And I realise who cannot live without ...Come apart without on a hilltop, on a sky-rise like a firstborn child and at full tilt and in full flight, defeat darkness, breaking daylight.... and the sun will shine on this heart of mine....and I realise who cannot live without... and come apart without daylight slowly breaking through the daylight ....


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